the exsanguinate editorial column archive

With the publication of Volume 4 Issue 2 in the Fall of 1999, after much thought and deliberation, Exsanguinate decided to introduce an editorial column. There was and continues to be some concern that the viewpoints and the attitude with which those viewpoints are delivered might alienate or offend certain advertisers as well as a few readers. Oh well, as the cliché goes: nothing ventured, nothing gained. You've read the Eristikös treatise, no?

The editorial column is intended to put forth viewpoints about timely social, cultural, political, and economic issues. It is hoped that the broad but impassioned attack on certain subject matters will render the commentary artful and philosophical -- and if worthy, perhaps these editorials may one day be considered classic or timeless essays.

Is it odd that a literary arts journal would deliver socio-political editorials? Not really...if you think about it, are not poetry and prose also editorials? are they not commentaries on the condition of being human? Isn't good writing the creative expression of one person's perceptions of himself, his existence, the world, and the people and things around him? This editorial column aspires to the same ends -- just not as a clever or cryptic poem and not as a metaphorical or anecdotal story -- but as a focused, deliberately crafted monologue. And of course, the column aspires to provoke thought and inflame the emotions.

Disobedia is the online archive of these Exsanguinate editorial columns. Although the editorial columns are published as part of Exsanguinate, Eristikös has created this separate online section in order to bring greater attention to its content.

If you are interested in reproducing or publishing any essay, please ask for permission. In many cases, permission is granted free of charge. Simply email for further information.


is there blood on your hands? ...preaching on the ills of modern consumerism
issue 4.2 | fall 1999

how well do you know the person you are f***ing? ...cautionary tales about doing the nasty
issue 4.3 | winter 1999-2000


should drugs be legalized? ...stepping beyond the common perspectives
issue 5.1 | summer 2000


pondering the issues of human overpopulation...

are we just over-glorified parasites?
issue 6.1 | winter spring 2001

what's wrong with people?
issue 6.1 | winter spring 2001

didn't your mother ever teach you to share?
issue 6.2 | summer 2001

will you end up as one of the wretched?
issue 6.3 | summer 2002

radical suggestions for US domestic population policy
special online addendum | 2001


do you really live in a democracy? ...true freedom demands thoughtful participation
issue 7.1 | summer fall 2003


are you a bully, a victim, or a bystander? ...what it really means to be a liberal
issue 7.2 | winter 2005 - 2006

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eristikös launched exsanguinate online in April 1996
this page content last updated 14 November 2005
this page design copyright © 1999 eristikös multi.media
copyrights for writings retained by respective authors
timestamp November 2020